Locus Plus
Open location finding
Open location finding
Originally published as a tedious twitter thread which got a fair amount of attention, these are my thoughts on this superficially attractive bad idea...
A very historic perspective
Wide participation in making rather than just consuming technology is important, here is why… Taking personal and organisational time and resources to encourage participation isn't always cheap or easy but it is the right thing to do.
TL;DR combination of react-native and react-native-web can be used on one project to build native and web apps with a common rendering…
and that’s why I’m staying away from Bitcoin for a while There is lots of speculation as BTC passes $15,000 whether it is or isn’t a bubble but I think that by concentrating on fiat value based speculation we are entirely missing the point.
How polite.ai came into existence.
Will conversational machine interfaces ever work on behalf of consumers? AI-bots are currently a big thing for enterprise looking to manage their interactions with consumers, but is the environment right for these “assistants” to turn the tables and go to work for us.
Metcalfe’s law is a perfect fit to explain business phenomena like how WhatsApp built a $19bn valuation for themselves last year, and in doing so removed an estimated $30bn a year of global SMS messaging revenues from carriers in just a few weeks once the application achieved critical mass.
If conference titles are anything to go by IoT and WebRTC are both big things at the moment. If you look at Hackathon output, WebRTC and IoT things seem practically coincident (disclaimer: at my day job, we did a drone WebRTC hack at TadHack London this year). Everyone is talking
I was really interested to come across the Kwiizi project last week. It crosses two of my biggest interests: real time electronic collaboration and education in Africa. Using cheap Raspberry Pi computers and wireless network connectivity, it brings large repositories of electronic information and real time collaboration into High Schools.
I’ve just upgraded my Mac Book to Yosemite and the only casualty I’ve found so far is the IPSecuritas IPSec VPN wrapper application. Whilst it seems to work and establishes all of the SAs sucessfully via ISAKMP, it doesn’t then move any protected traffic. Googling around, it